The Leadership Guru Guy: My Fifty Years In Leadership Development

For over fifty years I have been studying and ‘practicing’ leadership. Doctors and lawyers “Practice” their professions. Practice sounds good… practice makes perfect, right? Doctors bury their mistakes, and the worst mistakes of Lawyers are executed.

In my business the mistakes have already been made and I have the key to the solution. Leadership/Motivational Consultants have the power to be the change agent, to save lives, families, and businesses.We transform people’s lives and make friends wherever we go.

My life experience has intentionally been quite broad and varied, starting with a BS in Finance, which kindled the spark of entrepreneurial passion. The ‘Practice’ has encompassed many industries and occupations. I read where the overly intelligent tend to get bored easily, so I sort of understand why moving around to new and challenging projects has been my style.

My first experience with leadership was as the elected Student Body President of my high school. I went off to college with a bad taste in my mouth for ‘politics’ and commenced to major in ‘Partying 101’. I did eventually graduate from college, after four schools and six years. I was persistent. Upon graduation I embarked on what turned out to be a rather short-lived career as an Officer in the US Marine Corp.

In 1966 when I was commissioned, the life expectancy of a Marine 2/Lt, on the ground, was 30 days. Fortunately for me, six months later I flunked leadership in Basic School (jungle warfare training) and got an early out of the military, thus probably saving my life for ‘more important endeavors’.

My next experience with leadership was in the corporate world. In ‘B-School’ (BS,Banking & Finance) the mantra was,

“Three years with a major and out on your own!”,

which is just what I did, landing a prestigious position as a group insurance executive for a  ‘Major’ insurance company.

During this time I was able to pick the brains of the many company owners and executives with whom I dealt; I began to develop a business model for my future company, which I am still tweeking (not twerking).

The most important thing I learned from my subsequent leadership development by Success Motivation Institute, Inc.(SMI), and during my years of exploration  and  experimentation, was that the key to success in life is… human motivation!

Studies of extremely successful people conclude that there is a definite blueprint for success which, when internalized, will inexorably propel the client to his, or her, goal(s).At the tender age of thirty I was able to rise from the depths of a deep depression, and change my life forever by installing a success-seeking operating system in my brain, thanks to SMI.

Computers are merely man’s feeble attempt to clone a human brain. Being the most sophisticated computer in the universe, the human brain is programmed by repetition, for good of evil, so make sure you address life’s negative environment by counter-programming yourself for positive results in life.

Think about it: Psychologists study people who are screwed up… and purport to be able to tell you how to succeed from this information;

the motivation industry, on the other hand, studies people who are extremely successful. How could one expect to learn all about success, by studying failure?

Success and failure are inextricably linked,however, because one cannot be achieved without the other. If you want to be a huge success, learning to deal with failure is a necessity. You must find the secrets of success from those that know the secrets…and then over-learn the secrets. Inculcate them in your brain to form a ‘perma-shield’ against fear, doubt, and worry, the three de-motivators in life.

This Leadership Success Program that resulted from the study of the great success stories of history is now the ‘State-of -the-Art’ in human development. My Marine Corps training was great and it created a fearless man, but still one with many bad habits.

My bad habits (primarily alcohol), in addition to getting me separated from the Corps (thus saving my life, I am convinced), continued to cause more-and-more mistakes and failures. These, in turn, caused me to be receptive to the possibility of the need for, and even to the extent of purchasing ‘Success Training’ for myself.

Everyone must invest actual money in their own success. Henry Ford said that an investment in yourself was the best investment you could ever make. And Henry knew, he started out with no education, was bankrupt numerous time and ended up making mega-millions and changing the world. All from self development.

The Leadership Development Program is the icing on the cake of life, the graduate school of Leadership Development the ultimate in  personal leadership and motivational development. It empowers the client to transform him or herself, over time, into the person they always dreamed of being;  the epitome of Transformatinal Leadership Development.

Flunking leadership in the military was a blessing in disguise. That traumatic experience made me open to the idea of leadership training in civilian life. I needed to resolve my personal problems (mostly habit-related). I have been working on ME now, for the past fifty years, and I finally feel like I have most of the major bugs worked out.

My most unforgettable leadership experience occurred when I became a Candidate for the US Senate (GA’72).  As a result of my total immersion in personal leadership development, over time my self-image had improved to the point where I could actually see myself being President of the United States. However, at that time I was only old enough to run for the US Senate, so that is exactly what I did. I had obviously overcome procrastination by adopting the “Do It Now” habit.

My motivation to enter politics was the Viet Nam War which was dragging on-and-on. Nixon had promised to end it right away upon taking office (sound familiar?). I had been getting reports for years of my former comrads coming home in body bags. I eventually became rather irate, but rather than doing something I might regret, I ended up running for public office.

The race for the U.S. Senate was a foregone conclusion but, somehow, I felt better about it.I had let off steam. Our Founders gave us a “Peaceful Revolution” every four years, in order to avoid the necessity for a real one.

The war eventually ended and I went back to “normalcy”. That election was the beginning of my political education (‘practice’), which continues to this day.

My most recent leadership project has been my total immersion in the study and ‘practice’ of internet marketing and development. For the last few years I have attended webinars, read white papers, developed a network, and partnered with some dynamic new companies who are breaking new ground in business.

These new leaders are transforming my business model even further. By studying their methods I have been able to become connected with over 4,000 remarkable people in my network on Linkedin.  Now that the Network is in place, it is time to shift gears to the innovation/creation/promotion mode.

Our financial vehicle:

Feasible Concepts, Inc.-“Creating and Accelerating Businesses”

This Vision for the new business model, will be an Accelerator that combines State-of-the-Art technologies in

1)Leadership Development

2)Internet Marketing,

3)Equity Crowdfunding.

Improved Motivation and Sales Training alone can generate a multiplier effect on human productivity. Everyone has untapped potential which can be liberated.

What is even more exciting, inbound Marketing creates  a vast,  steady stream of in-coming contacts from pre-sold prospects (Cold calling is dead!)

If you double your closing ratio and double your sales interviews, your sales increase by 400%.

See my post on our Effective Selling Strategies program:



How to get what you want in life (that’s known as Personal Leadership):

“Whatever you vividly imagine,

Ardently desire,

Sincerely believe,

And enthusiastically act upon,

Must inevitably come to pass.”

~Paul J. Meyer, Founder, Success Motivation Institute, Inc.



Duke Runyan is The Leadership Guru Guy. Living on the Emerald Coast of Florida, Duke is a Strategic Adviser, Group Leadership Coach and Mastermind  Developer.

He is involved with franchisee recruiting for Leadership Management International, Inc.(LMI), one of the worlds most successful leadership academies:
“Modern technology such as digital delivery and Mastermind Alliances, allow us to Accelerate the Development of Total Leaders, achieving a fundamental attitude transformation in less than 30 days.”                                                ~Duke Runyan

. Enroll now in a Mastermind Alliance, the world needs more leaders!

Contact the LeadershipGuruGuy: 850-232-2951

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7 Basic Skill Sets To Increase Your Income

7  Basic Skill Sets To Increase  Your Income


Whether you work for a salary, wages, commissions, or profits from a business, you are just like a business in that you are exchanging your skills for money. How much money you receive depends on the knowledge and skills that you have to trade. Let’s take a look at these basic skills and how they can be improved in order to exchange them for more money.

  1. Know How- These are the abilities to sell, produce, compute, and deliver your products in exchange for your money. But this is only the tip of the iceberg because the other skills work in tandem with your know how to produce money.
  2. Energy- We exchange energy for money. It takes energy just to get out of bed and go to work in the morning, and work at peak efficiency, day after day, after day. The more energy we bring to the table the more we accomplish, faster. Energy can be improved through a regular program of exercise and proper diet.
  3. Time- We exchange our time for money. It’s not necessarily how much time we put in, but what we put in the time, how we organize it and make it work for us. Everyone has the same 24 hours every day at their disposal. Time Management separates great success from mediocrity.  Getting more done in less time will result in more money. The key to time management is working by priorities.
  4. Creativity- Defined as ‘the ability to relate the apparently unrelated’, creativity is the ability to see things in ‘the mind’s eye’ that don’t exist and to cause them to become real. Creativity allows us to develop innovative products and advertising campaigns, new sales techniques, and everything else under the sun. We can definitely exchange ideas for money.
  5. Concentration- This is the ability to focus on one task at a time, in the midst of many competing and conflicting responsibilities, knock it out and move on to the next job or problem. Setting priorities on a daily and even hourly basis, is the key to awesome productivity.
  6. Decision Making- The ability to gather information and make decisions is perhaps the highest paid of all the skills that we use on a daily basis. Research indicates that highly successful people practice the habit of making decisions, once the information has been gathered, relatively quickly, and change the decision, if at all, relatively slowly. Failures, on the other hand, tend to make decision, if at all, relatively slowly, and to change the decision relatively quickly. It’s difficult to follow them for they tend to run a zig zag pattern. Successful people, on the other hand, will develop a reputation for being effective in whatever they do and will eventually succeed by ‘staying the course’. They know that perseverance and persistence are the most important characteristics of successful people.
  7. Communication-Decisions, once made, must be communicated, internally within the company and externally to the world.  The ability to deliver information is critical to success, however communication is a two-way street and is the key to team building. Tasks must be assigned and deadlines attached. If the quarterback on a football simple urges everyone to ‘score on this play’ without assigning individual tasks, the team probably would never score.

 In addition, listening skills are necessary to ensure real communication occurs. We were made with two ears and one mouth.  This is indicative of the need to listen at least twice as much as we talk. In addition, we have the ability to close our mouths but not our ears. When you are listening you are learning. When you are talking you are not. When you listen fully to the other fellow, you will eventually know everything that he knows plus what you know, and he will only know what he knows.

 These skills are the essence of what it takes to be a spectacular success in life. Personal Leadership is the ability to get what you want out of life. One who aspires to leadership must develop the habit of a life-long program of self improvement, developing  themselves into the leader they want to become. Everyone has the potential to become a leader but leadership skills must be, and can be, developed in order to attain the income and success one desires.

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